Saturday, August 13, 2011


Life around here is pretty crazy....and I LOVE it (most days!!)  Cayden gets ornerier everyday.  He really gets into things when I am rocking or feeding both babies.  He has figured out that my hands are full...and he can probably get away with doing things he shouldn't.  Here are just a few of the things that he has been up to...

* Stomping in the dog water.

* Stacking toys and climbing into the pack-n-play to jump around. 

* Getting filthy dirty with daddy.

* Climbing onto kitchen table. 
* Pooping on floor (didn't get picture...but wish I would have!!)
* Climbing onto toy box and then into changing table with Brock (for Brock's safety, I had to skip on taking this picture as well!)
* "Bopping" babies over the head with any toy that is handy. 
* Pulling laptop off couch, opening, and then opening everything possible!

* Making a crazy mess with all his books and toys.  (He is using his popcorn popper as a "jack" for his four-wheeler...he has seen daddy "jack" things up in the garage...and I found him doing this the other day...SMART BOY!!)

He is definitely ALL BOY.  I find myself falling more in love with him everyday, despite his ornery side.  I never knew my heart could be filled with such joy and love for one little boy.  My heart will be exploding when the twins get this age (or I will be insane!!)  I can't help but say "It may be a crazy life...but it is our life!"  hehe


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